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Identification with UC Merced in Communications

Responsible Official: Vice Chancellor for External Relations
Responsible Office: External Relations
Issuance Date: TBD
Effective Date: TBD
Summary: This policy sets forth specific standards for posting on websites and social media accounts and specifies how media inquiries should be handled.
Scope: All UC Merced Employees and Affiliates


Contact: Edward Klotzbier, Vice Chancellor for External Relations
Phone: (209) 201-6693



State Laws and Regulations

UC Policies




Faculty and staff have a right to free inquiry and exchange of ideas, and a constitutionally protected freedom of expression. However, if they proclaim affiliation with the University, their actions and words reflect on the University. Faculty and staff must refrain from speaking or writing in the name of the University of California or UC Merced or in such a way that they imply they speak on behalf of the institution, without express authorization by the Division of External Relations.

This policy sets forth specific standards for posting on websites and social media accounts and specifies that all media inquiries made to faculty and staff, other than those relating to a faculty member’s field of expertise, be directed to the UC Merced Division of External Relations, Office of Public Relations.




Faculty and staff have a right to free inquiry and exchange of ideas, and a constitutionally protected freedom of expression. However, if they proclaim affiliation with the university, their actions and words reflect on the University.

  1. Faculty and staff must refrain from speaking or writing in the name of the University of California or UC Merced or in such a way that they imply they speak on behalf of the institution, without express authorization by the Division of External Relations.
  2. Faculty are encouraged to speak and write about their disciplines, their teaching, and their research.
  3. Personal social media accounts — that is, accounts primarily for the sharing of personal information and opinions — should not use “UC Merced” in the name (e.g., @ucmercedprofessordoe) and may not use the UC Merced logo or branding.
  4. When engaging in personal activities or commentary, faculty and staff may not use their UC Merced title in any way that would imply that they are speaking for the University.
  5. All blogs, social media sites, etc. that are not sponsored and approved by UC Merced chairs, deans or administrators must include a disclaimer if participants plans to use their UC Merced titles or affiliations.
  6. Any written opinion, including letters to the editor, offered to print or digital media on topics beyond a faculty member’s academic expertise must include a disclaimer if participants plans to use their UC Merced title or affiliation. It is of course understood that media may choose not to use such a disclaimer.
  7. Examples of disclaimers:
    • “The participant isv/ I am ______ [a faculty or staff member] at UC Merced. However, the views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of The Regents of the University of California, UC Merced, or any entities or units thereof.”
    • “All comments here are made in my individual capacity and not on behalf of UC Merced, and have not been reviewed or approved by UC Merced.”
  8. The disclaimer should be contemporaneous with the commentary.


Consistent with the UC Policy on Electronic Communications, personal use of University electronic resources to access social networking sites must be limited to incidental use. Incidental use must not interfere with an employee’s performance of their assigned job responsibilities or someone else’s job performance or compromise the functionality of the department or campus network.


The Division of External Relations, Office of Public Relations can offer assistance such as media training and negotiation on interview ground rules, manage logistics such as facilities access and communications technology, and address any required follow-up with media, such as requests for documents, video or photos. Public Relations can also ensure that media appearances are appropriately promoted on UC Merced’s own media channels.

  1. Faculty and staff are encouraged to talk to media about their fields of expertise.
  2. Non-academic personnel must route all media requests through the Division of External Relations Office of Public Relations.
  3. Academic personnel are recommended to route all media requests through the Division of External Relations Office of Public Relations.
  4. The Office of Public Relations shall be notified of all Public Records Act (PRA) requests from media outlets, to discuss and help prepare for any information release and expected media coverage stemming from it.
  5. Public Relations will make every effort to resolve media requests informally before they require a formal PRA process.




  1. Route all media requests through the Division of External Relations, Office of Public Relations.
  2. Refrain from speaking or writing in the name of the University of California or UC Merced or in such a way that implies they speak on behalf of the institution, without express authorization by the Division of External Relations.
  3. Refrain from using University or UC Merced names, or any variation thereof, in their profile, bio, or account name (e.g., @ucmercedprofessordoe).


  1. Route all media requests unrelated to their field of expertise to the Division of External Relations, Office of Public Relations (hypothetical example: a request to a faculty member to comment on the university’s drone use policy, assuming drone use is not the faculty member’s field of expertise)
  2. Refrain from speaking or writing in the name of the University of California or UC Merced or in such a way that implies they speak on behalf of the institution, without express authorization by the Office of Public Relations.
  3. Refrain from using University or UC Merced names, logos, or any variation thereof, in their profile, bio, or account name (e.g., @ucmercedprofessordoe).
  4. Include a disclaimer when providing opinion on topics outside of their field of expertise while using their UC Merced title or affiliation. This includes, but is not limited to letters to the editor, blogs, social media sites, or other written or electronic media platforms that are not sponsored and approved by the appropriate UC Merced official.



Date Action/Summary of Changes
TBD Original Policy Issued