UC Merced has established a set of guidelines governing the fundraising process, solicitation for sponsorships and contributions, and acquisition of in-kind (non-monetary) donations. These guidelines refer to contributions from private philanthropic entities and are necessary to comply with the requirements of various governing bodies and to maximize philanthropic and corporate support for UC Merced.
The Office of Philanthropy & Strategic Partnerships is the primary unit responsible for fundraising activities, including soliciting, accepting and stewarding philanthropic gifts. For the purposes of these guidelines, “philanthropic gifts” refers to contributions made with charitable intent, without expectation of direct economic or other tangible benefit commensurate with the value of the support.*
Private philanthropy is essential to supporting the University’s mission of teaching, research and public service. The best outcomes for the University and for our supporters will be achieved through coordination with the Office of Philanthropy & Strategic Partnerships and alignment between campus-based groups and individuals, students, alumni, faculty, staff administration as well as external groups or volunteers. This partnership will help to:
Avoid multiple, over-lapping approaches to the same donors;
- Leverage the expertise of the Office of Philanthropy & Strategic Partnerships in securing optimal contributions;
- Maximize the impact of philanthropic contributions;
- Ensure the integrity and alignment of the gift with the University’s mission.
*Because these guidelines refer to philanthropy from private, charitable sources directed through Philanthropy & Strategic Partnerships, please refer to the Sponsored Projects Office for guidelines concerning research grant submissions.
Solicitation Requests by Students, Alumni or Designated Support Groups
All entities seeking to raise funds for UC Merced must involve the External Relations Division in the earliest stages of soliciting monetary or non-monetary support. Such entities and individuals must contact the Associate Vice Chancellor, Philanthropy & Strategic Partnerships or designee prior to approaching a potential donor, sponsor or contributor for support. Under no circumstances should a proposal be submitted without first receiving written approval from the Associate Vice Chancellor, Philanthropy & Strategic Partnerships, or designee.
All required information including donor name, submission details, and any associated materials (written proposal or request for support, event flyers, etc.), should be submitted in electronic form to the Office of Philanthropy & Strategic Partnerships no fewer than 30 business days before the desired solicitation date.
Solicitation Requests by Faculty, Staff or Administration
All entities seeking to raise funds for UC Merced must involve the External Relations Division in the earliest stages of soliciting monetary or non-monetary support. Such entities and individuals must contact the Associate Vice Chancellor, Philanthropy & Strategic Partnerships or designee prior to approaching a potential donor, sponsor or contributor for support. Under no circumstances should a proposal or other request for support be submitted without first receiving written approval from the Associate Vice Chancellor, Philanthropy & Strategic Partnerships, or designee. The review and approval process for solicitation requests by faculty, staff and administration is as follows:
- For academic units, the Principal Investigator/Program Director must first obtain the approval of the Department Chair and Dean (or designated leader based on project alignment; e.g., ORU Director) regarding the proposal (solicitation) prior to requesting approval from the Office of Philanthropy & Strategic Partnerships.
- For administrative units, the individual requesting funding of a proposal or planning a fundraising event must first obtain the approval of the appropriate officer (i.e., Director, Dean Vice Chancellor) prior to requesting approval from the Office of Philanthropy & Strategic Partnerships.
- The Associate Vice Chancellor, Philanthropy & Strategic Partnerships or designee must be contacted to request written approval no fewer than 15 business days prior to submission of a proposal and no fewer 30 business days prior to a fundraising event date or desired mailing date.
On Campus Solicitation by Other Entities
Generally, solicitation on campus by non-affiliates is discouraged; however, activities that enhance the UC Merced community will be given serious consideration for discretionary approval by the Associate Vice Chancellor, Philanthropy & Strategic Partnerships, or designee.
Gift Acceptance Process
It is the goal of the Philanthropy & Strategic Partnerships Office that all gifts be consistent with the University’s values of teaching, research and public service. Only gifts that are consistent with the University’s values, principles of community, and policies, and are supportive of the University’s mission, may be accepted. Acceptance of a gift does not signify endorsement of a donor, organization or cause by the University.
All gifts require formal acceptance according to the following:
- Gifts up to $250,000 – Associate Vice Chancellor, Philanthropy & Strategic Partnerships
- Gifts up to $1 million – Vice Chancellor, External Relations
- Gifts up to $10 million – Chancellor
- Gifts greater than $10 million, and special cases – UC Regents/Office of the President
Gifts including those that name programs and spaces, establish endowed chairs and professorships, planned gifts, and gifts of real property are subject to additional approvals as outlined in University policies. Also, gifts that may obligate the University to significant administrative or financial commitments and gifts that may draw significant public attention, or potentially carry significant reputational implications for the University will be brought to the attention of senior leadership for review.
In addition, in considering whether to accept a gift, we reserve the right to decline any gift that:
- Interferes with the University’s academic freedom, the integrity of its programs and procedures, or harms its reputation;
- Includes restrictions that unlawfully discriminate on any basis;
- Impedes or impairs the scholarly activity and free inquiry of students or faculty members.
Sponsorships of External Organizations
Any requests for sponsorships of external organizations must adhere to the Sponsorships and Memberships Announcement dated April 19, 2018